Saturday, December 5, 2009

Great Expectations

By Preston Squire

"Now, I return to this young fellow. And the communication I have got to make is, that he has great expectations." - From 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens

If you want to achieve greatness in this life, you must first develop your own great expectations.

Go to through life hoping for money, health, happiness but expecting none of it is totally self-defeating.   Let me restate that.  To hope for one thing, but expecting another is totally defeating ones own self.  You are causing your own defeat before you even begin.

"What the mind of man can conceive and believe, It can achieve." - Napoleon Hill

We talked about belief last time so before I go further allow me to clarify the difference between belief and expectation.

You can believe the government can cut taxes but never expect it to happen.  You can believe your friend can pay you back the money he owes, but never expect him too.  You can fully believe God is capable of great miracles but never actually expect one to happen to you.   You can believe the Law of Attraction does work but expect failure anyway.

This is usually caused by past references 'That friend never pays anyone back' or a common belief that 'Nothing good ever happens to me.'

It's not even enough to merely believe that something could happen to you, you must move your being into an expectation of result.  As my good friend and former pastor Richard Chandler says, 'If you're going to pray for rain, you had better be carrying an umbrella.'    Think about it.  He's right.  How often are we praying for one thing, visualizing it, attracting it but then walking around totally unprepared for it's imminent arrival? 

A common example is people praying for or trying to attract a desirable spouse into their lives.   They believe it can happen, as well they should, but then don't bother to make themselves look appealing when they go out.  When they meet someone interesting they 'hope' it might possibly be the one but are they 'expecting' it to be?  Very rarely.  More likely she waits to see if the guy will come up and hit on her, of he will wait for the woman to give him some obvious clue that she's interested.  Why?  Because they expect to be shot down should they go talk to them.

Know what?  They probably would be.  But so what?!  By expecting to be they have already defeated themselves.  If they went up to that person (girls you can flirt first) they may in fact be the one.  Or they may not.  Okay fine.  Wasn't that person but it was good practice.  Move on.  Next person may actually go out with them but after a few dates they realize they are not right for them.  Okay fine.   They just learned something about what they want in a mate and are refining their search.  Move on.  

If you desire the goal enough, if you believe it will happen and you move forward boldly expecting it to, guess what?   Sooner or later you're going to get results.   Never even mind God or the Law of Attraction.  Good old common sense will tell you that much.

Now I'm a very firm believer in the old adage 'God helps those that help themselves.'  Problem is far too many people are still sitting at home waiting for God/the universe to hand them whatever it is they want in their lives on a silver platter without even having to get up off the couch.   It doesn't work that way.  God isn't going to provide anything until he sees you walking, in faith.  Not sitting, not timidly creeping.  Walking.  Or better yet - run!

If you are asking for something, and are walking in faith, doing the actions that are congruent with your goals, trusting that God will provide.  He will.

"Ask and it shall be given unto you, Seek and you shall find."

From a 'Law of Attraction' perspective, remember you do not attract that which you visualize, you attract that which you areYour entire vibrational being must be in alignment and atuned to your goal.  You can visualize a goal, believe in it and then go out and expect failure or worse, not do anything and expect success.  Guess what?  You're not going to succeed in either case because your own mixed vibrations are nullifying your ability to attract.   If you want to meet someone, go to where you would find the type of people you want to meet and hang out, be it a library, church, club, social event, whatever.  If you want money, be doing something that can create wealth.  EXPECT results.  This can be hard over the long haul because the Law of Attraction generally won't give you results fast.  Not because it can't, but because you struggle to believe things could just change overnight and we struggle to maintain our confidence if we don't see immediate results.  We make it take time.  However if what you are doing isn't producing results consistantly, change your plan, but keep your D.E.B. intact!

Develop a burning desire, create empowering beliefs and hold on to great expectations.  These are the fundimental building blocks that seperate those that create the life they want from those that allow life to create them.     There are many more factors that can come into play, but these need to be your solid foundation upon with your road to success is built on.

©Preston Squire 2009

Preston Squire is an author devoted to providing free inspirational, motivational and success materials. You can find more articles by Preston Squire and others at

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