Remember these powerful 'P' words whenever life has you feeling down.
Patience - Are you being patient? Things come in perfect unison to God's time and design, not ours. Do not let your impatience frustrate you or move you from your path.
Persistence - More important to success than skill, talent or education. Those who persist are the ones who are ready to jump when opportunity presents itself. The rest are not only not ready, they usually don't even recgonize opportunity for what it is.
Positivity - A optomistic attitude is a choice and a habit. Those that can find the good, no matter how small, in every situation, are the ones who get ahead. Every adversity, every setback, every heartache provides the seed for an equal or greater opportunity. A seed not planted is wasted potential. Always find the positive. Everything in life is there to serve you.
Prayer - Sometimes we must rely on God to give us strength, wisdom and grace greater than our own. Let Go and Let God. Don't wait for crisis to arise to turn to God, make it a habit, and grace will follow you everywhere.
Perspective - Often the only real problem, is how we are viewing the situation. We get so caught up worrying about the old, great tree dying, we forget we're in the midst of a forest. As the old tree passes, the smaller trees finally come out of it's shade and are able to grow.
Promise - Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt... can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. - Matthew 21:21. Whatever righteous thing you ask for, is given to you - in God's time and by God's design. Hold on to your Promise and never let it go. The enemy will always cloud your vision and try to steal it.
Progress - Do not stop. Keep on, keeping on. Learn from each of life's lessons and put it into immediate practise. There is no standing still in life. You are either progressing or regressing. If you stop, you'll only have further to go when you start again.
Passion - Your passion is like a fire, it must be given fuel to burn and fanned to become bright. When passion is turned into a bonfire, it will keep you warm through the coldest nights. Neglect it and it will burn out quickly. Purpose is fuel, Promise fans.
Purpose - Why? What is your driving motivation? What pleasure will success bring? What pain will failure result in? If you do not know, specifically, why you want what you want, how can you hope to substane? There is no wrong answer. Follow your bliss.
Price - Anything worth having is worth paying for. There's always a price to pay but often in difficult times we lose sight that the challenges we are experiencing, are the price for what we want. The price of growth, the price of wisdom, the price of freedom.
Plan - Do you have a plan? If so, is it working? If not, goto plan B. Then C. Then D. Don't worry if it's the best plan, any plan is better than no plan, even if it takes you the wrong way. Movement is always better than procrastination. Things rarely happen the way we plan them, but plans keep us focused and give us comfort in structure. Keep your plans flexible but the Purpose resolute.
Preston Squire is an author providing free positive thinking, inspirational, motivational and success materials. You can find more articles by Preston Squire at
©Preston Squire 2010