Sunday, October 11, 2009

Law of Influence

My good friend, Cathy Morenzie, invited me to go to an evening conference at her church. The guest speaker was Pastor Paula White who I must admit, I'd never heard of, although she is apparently a televangelist of some note. She was one of three major pastors that the church had arranged to come for the conference but due to unforeseen circumstances the other two had to cancel.

The weather was lousy and a drive that should have taken me forty-five minutes instead became a two hour crawl along the highway. I thought about foregoing the event and just heading home a few times but I had said I would be there and I intended to keep my word. So I just kept shoving that thought out of my mind. Besides, surely with traffic this bad, I wouldn't be the only one coming in late.

Sure enough, when I arrived an hour into the event, people were still coming in and the home pastor didn't arrive until almost an hour after I did. Good thing we were there for Paula White.

Now I don't really know Pastor White and I'm not endorsing her here. I am aware that she is under investigation for misappropriation of church funds but as hypocritical as it may be, I'm not concerned with her quality just with the quality of her message.

And her message was very interesting and timely for me. I'm not going to go all of it, or any of it but it did inspire me to write the following blog based in part on what she had preached. Some of the quoted text is Paula White's and some is just common so called, quote, unquote type of thing. Hope you find it helpful.

Law of Influence

The Law of Influence is the effect one person can have by touching other people's lives. Not so much by what one says but what one does. 'You speak what you know, but you impart what you are' Law of Influence follows the chaos theory which is most commonly known for the analogy that a butterfly flapping it's wings in Japan, can set into motion a chain reaction of air movements and currents that result in a hurricane in Florida. Via Law of Influence if you are a positive energy, spiritual 'holy person of God' then even in a chance encounter with someone, whatever you impart onto them (you impart what you are) could change the world. IE: You might say the right or do thing to the right person at the right time and because of that it shifts their thinking and they go on to become an important world leader or noble prize winner.

Now think about that for a minute. Every day, the essence of who you are is being imparted onto all the people you come into contact with. It makes only a very subtle difference in most peoples lives, profound on those you constantly come into contact with, like your kids, but even completely strangers could have their lives irrevocably changed by you, almost certainly without you even knowing. That's profound.

But what are we imparting?!  "We speak what we know but we impart who we are."  Who are we?  And who is around us that is imparting on to us?!  Do we want those people's energies mingling with our own?  Do we want to be part of what they are?  If not why are we still holding onto that?  Usually because it's comfortable and known versus accepting the challenge of the unknown.

To put it in more metaphysical terms. We are all bodies of energy. We look solid but everyone's body is made up of cells, which are made up of molecules, which are made up of atoms, which are made up of energy. We are all energy and all energy has a vibrational frequency. When you speak, the vibration of your voice is carried through the air and your friend hears you. When you speak on a cell phone your voice is converted into a digital signal which is then sent on a special vibrational radio wave to be picked up, eventually, by your friend miles or even thousands of miles away. When you turn on a light bulb the light, which is merely a visible vibration of energy, bounces all over the room before hitting your eyes at varying vibrational frequencies which our minds convert into shapes and colours. When you strike a tuning fork just right it can make glass near it shatter. How? By causing the molecules in the glass to vibrate at a particular frequency. Therefore in the same way, if we are all bodies of energy, the vibrational frequency of one must have an effect on the others around it. One person imparts their frequency onto all those around them and sometimes far beyond.

Therefore it's important to have people around us who are vibrating at like frequencies. We should always look to have a mentor that we admire so they can impart their knowledge, essence and energy onto us in a way that helps us to become more like them and more like the person we want to become. We should also have someone behind us so we can impart to them. We must always be giving. You cannot recieve until you give. You reep as you sow.

Vacuum Law of Prosperity

Although Paula White didn't call it this, she also spoke of the Vacuum Law of Prosperity. Which accord to Bob Proctor means "you can’t recieve something until you are first willing to give something away. (Bear in mind, however, that “giving” means letting go of completely or totally abandoning, to another.)" Nature abhors a vacuum. So if we're lacking something God wants to give it to us but... or in other words if we're visualizing something the universe whats to manifest that into our lives but we often block it coming to us because we're still (spiritually) holding onto something else. Why? Because you're sending mixed signals. Your vibration cannot match that which you are calling for because you are still accepting the vibrational impartment of something else that isn't a match. You're still holding onto something that should be letting go of because it no longer serves a purpose in your life. Now, note, I'm talking spiritually here. You may need to let go of your current job because it's holding you down and blocking you from getting a better position. I'm not saying quit and wait for a new job, that's stupid. I am saying stop accepting the comfort of the existing job and in your mind visualize yourself in your new job. Do no think about your current job (more than necessary), do not dwell on what you don't like, do not talk of it, push it from your mind and even as you go to work, pretend you're going to your new work, talk about the career your going to have. Go there in the spirit and you will go there in the flesh. But you won't go there in the flesh while you are still either focusing on how much you don't like your current job or taking comfort from being there. Because your still holding onto it so it's still imparting it's 'bad' vibration onto you which causing you to be out of vibrational alignment with what you DO want.

IE: God won't bring a new man/woman into our life while we're still pining over the last man/woman. You've got to release him/her from your heart so you're ready to receive. God won't give you a new opportunity until you're ready in spirit to move on from the one you've grown comfortable with. Once you let go of the old, the universe (God) will start to bring in the new intended man, opportunity, wealth, etc. But you must accept change. You must accept being without even before you can see the new or understand how the new will come into being.

According to the Science of Getting Rich, the reason most people don't have money is because they subconsciously don't think they deserve to. We want more but don't think we can get it and /or feel a little guilty asking God for it because who are we to being asking for more than our neighbours?

I know this is certainly true of myself. I resisted wealth because I feared money would change me, for the worse. For most people it's a belief that it's hard to come by or that you need to be somehow unethical, or simply that they are not a 'good' enough person to be 'blessed' in such a way. All of that is utter nonsense.
Look at some of the people who have money. Are they really better, more noble people then you? I assure you many are not. I assure you that no matter who you are you could find someone wealthy who is not as smart, noble, business savvy, or deserving as you are. So if they can be rich anyway, then so can you.

First step is to accept that you truly do deserve to be and that God, the universe wants you to be. Why? Because if you want to be a positive influencer in the world, if you want to live a fuller, richer life, if you want to be in a position to bring success and joy to others, you generally need to be rich or have the things and opportunities that wealth provides. Now someone is saying, well I can help people without money. "You speak what you know but you impart what you are" If you are truly rich in spirit, and come into agreement with that, you will be rich in life (not money necessarily but certainly money is a part of anyone enjoying a rich life however you define it). Who helps the needy more? Someone who can only speak success that they know or someone spiritual rich who effortlessly imparts what they are? The first is information, the second inspiration.

Don't ask for selfish gain but ask for wealth for all the good you can do with it and for the high quality of life and joy it'll bring to you and yours. Surround yourself with people who have the vibrations (attitudes, beliefs, values) you want or have. Find a mentor to pour into you and pour into others yourself. Give selflessly (but not stupidly, don't mortgage your house to tithe but do give more service to others than they expect). Anything you don't want, that no longer serves you, give it to someone it will serve, even though you don't have a replacement (it will come). Anyone you no longer want in your life, or who you do want but is no longer in your life - let them go!! Release the old and accept the new.

If you want to impart success onto others, if you want to impart joy onto others, if you want to impart love onto others, you must first ask and receive it for yourself. When you learn to give freely, you will start receive freely, if you allow yourself to receive it. Believe you deserve to, believe you can, walk in faith, take consistent action, receive it, then give it away. Give joy, give love, give knowledge, give opportunities, give freely of what you have. When you try to hold onto something you block yourself from receiving more and better.

Think of a pyramid of cups and you are the cup on top. Let God fill you until you overflow and allow that to pour into the cups below until they overflow and it pours into the cups below them. As long as you are an open conduit for the universe to pour into others it will continue to pour into you.

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